Frequently Asked Questions

STOP Security Plates FAQs

  • The standard Plate measures 2-1/2" wide x 2-1/8" high by .012" thick. This Plate is best suited for notebook computers, desktop computers — any portable electronic device with enough flat space in a highly visible area to accommodate the Plate.

  • Yes. We do offer a small Plate that measures 2" wide x 3/4" high x .012" thick.

  • STOP's patented permanent identification system offers a physical theft deterrent and recovery marking and asset management solution. It does not include any electronic tracing components.
    However, STOP offers STOPMonitor, a real-time asset tracking, geolocation and data-protection software system that perfectly complements the up-front physical anti-theft, recovery and inventory tracking features of our STOP Security Plates.
    Please contact us at 1-800-488-STOP of click here for more information on STOPMonitor.

  • No. The one-time STOP Security Plate price includes lifetime services and support, with no annual renewal or additional fees. You will be responsible for the associated shipping costs.

  • The STOP Security Plate kit includes:
    — STOP Security Plate with patented "Stolen Property" Tattoo
    — A Red Warning Sticker
    — Alcohol Cleaning Swab
    — Tattoo Activating Gel (small quantity orders)*
    — Registration instructions
    *When purchasing large quantities of plate, it is more cost-effective to purchase Installation Kits separately. Contact us at 1-800-488-STOP (7867) if you have questions prior to ordering.

  • No. The lifetime service is specific to the device to which the STOP Security Plate is installed and registered. A new item requires its own STOP Security Plate and registration.
    However, the STOP Security Plate and lifetime service are transferable to new legitimate owners when you sell, donate or otherwise dispose of your STOP-tagged device.

  • STOP respects its customers' privacy and adheres to a strict Privacy Policy.

  • Yes. STOP Security Plates are just as effective in deterring theft for your personal belongings as they are for school systems or business and government enterprise assets. Purchasing is quick and easy when you buy online.

  • We accept orders:
    — Online -- click Buy from the navigational header anywhere on our Web site,, and follow the online instructions.
    — Via telephone at 1-800-488-STOP (7867).
    — Via fax to 203-945-2027 (company purchase orders only).
    For corporate price quotes and confirmations, contact one of our National Account Executives:

    — Eileen Nanai 1-800-488-STOP ext. 102

  • STOP's patented anti-theft protection deters theft at the source making it virtually impossible to resell the item:
    — Each item is affixed with a patented, permanent bar-coded security plate.
    — The plate is impossible to remove without defacing the equipment casing.
    — If the plate is removed, a patented "Stolen Property" Tattoo and the 24/7 toll-free number, 800-488-STOP, remain chemically etched into the device.

  • Yes. We do offer a small Plate that measures 2" wide x 3/4" high x .012" thick.
  • STOP is the only security system that offers theft prevention, equipment recovery and asset management. It makes us a logical, cost-effective choice in equipment protection and tracking. No other identification system offers STOP's patented, chemically etched "Stolen Property" Tattoo.

STOPMonitor FAQs

  • This is a common issue with the Standard Version of STOPMonitor, not because of problems with our application, but because of the way Public IP Address data are entered, stored and handled by ISPs and the geolocation services’ databases. If IP Address data are entered inaccurately, or if there is a non-existent reference in the databases, the locations on the map could be off. For example, if the reported geolocation coordinates are blank, the asset will be plotted in the middle of the US (Kansas); and sometimes the reported coordinates are 0,0 – which corresponds to off the West coast of Africa. In addition to protecting your data, STOPMonitor Pro avoids these issues by using a combination of WiFi triangulation, cell tower triangulation, and GPS if equipped to ensure accurate geolocation.

  • Yes, owners/adminstrators can quickly uninstall or delete the STOPMonitor agent from a device or batch of devices. Instructions for deleting STOPMonitor are included in the User Guide in the Web-based Management Console.

  • You have a few options, depending on which version of STOPMonitor is installed on the missing PC: STOPMonitor: Provides Public IP Address of the server through which the missing device is reporting to the STOPMonitor Web-based Management Console. Use the Public IP Address to geolocate the missing device on the Google Map that appears to the right of the device profile in the Web-based Management

  • No. There is no limit to the number of users or administrators who can access STOPMonitor’s Web-based Management Console. However, with security issues in mind, STOP recommends that access is limited only to essential personnel with proper security credentials.

  • Once the STOPMonitor agent is installed on a device, it captures the hardware and software configurations of that asset, which administrators are able to view through the Web-based Management Console. This feature is especially helpful to enterprise administrators who must ensure employee- and user compliance policy requirements are being met.

  • Yes, STOPMonitor and STOPMonitor Pro enable administrators to view the geolocation of the device on a Google Map through the Web-based Management Console. STOPMonitor enables geolocation using Public IP Address. The Pro Version enables more precise geolocation through Wi-fi triangulation.

  • STOPMonitor is a software application that enables you to track, monitor and geolocate devices in real-time through a secure Web-based Management Console. Features also include: operating system and hardware/software applications monitoring and Users/Groups management and event logging.

    STOPMonitor Pro provides these additional functions: real-time geolocation using Wi-Fi triangulation (more accurate than IP); real-time remote encryption and bootlock; pre-set triggers to encrypt or bootlock even if the device is offline.

  • You have a few options, depending on which version of STOPMonitor is installed on the missing PC:


    Will provide Public IP Address of the server through which the missing device is reporting the the STOPMonitor Web-based Console. Use the Public IP Address to geolocate the missing device on the Google Map that appears to the right of the device profile in the Web-based Console. Law enforcement can use that information to obtain the legal documents needed to perform a search for the device. In the meantime, administrators can continue to monitor the location of the device if it is moved, provided it is connected to the Internet.

    STOPMonitor Pro:

    Provides a more precise geolocation – to within approximately 100 feet – using Wi-fi triangulation to pinpoint the location of the device on the Google Map that appears to the right of the device profile in the Web-based Console. Law enforcement can use that information to obtain the legal documents needed to perform a search for the device. Location info obtained with Wi-fi triangulation increases the likelihood of finding and recovering the device. Pro also enables administrators to encrypt specific documents on the missing device and send a remote real-time encryption command. If the missing device is connected to the Internet, the encryption command will be executed within a few seconds. An event log within the Web-based Console enables the administrator to confirm in real time that the command was executed. In addition, Pro enables administrators to send a remote real-time Bootlock command. If the missing device is connected to the Internet, the Bootlock command will be executed within a few seconds and a black screen with an administrator-customizable message will appear after a forced reboot; an automatically generated password will be required to enable a safe reboot. An event log within the Web-based Console enables the administrator to confirm in real time that the command was executed. Pro also enables administrators to pre-set an “Offline Curfew” command that will automatically and locally bootlock the device if the device remains offline for longer than the pre-set number of days.

  • No. STOPMonitor does not integrate with on-board camera devices or enable screen grabs. To avoid possible legal issues, be sure to check with your local privacy laws and/or privacy policies at your organization when considering deploying other types of tracking software that use these image-capture features.

  • STOPMonitor cannot be installed on stolen or missing devices. Installation requires user interaction with administrative privileges either through a network connection, mass-installation or disk image prior to loss or theft incidents.

  • If you forget your password, click the “forgotten password” link on the login page ( and enter your email address. A password reset form will be sent to your email address. STOP does not store or manage clients’ passwords.

  • No. STOPMonitor and all assets protected by the STOPMonitor agent are managed through a secure Web-based Management Console, which is accessible from any Internet-connected PC using any of the standard Web browsers. Only the agent needs to be installed on the PC you want to protect.

  • The Agent is self-updating. Updates will periodically be received by agents automatically and installed silently. You can check the current version number of any agent from the Web application in the main Asset list or in the Asset Detail view.

  • STOPMonitor can be installed as follows: — Interactive single installation; while logged in as an admistrator to the Web-based Console. — Silent Install and Mass Deployment is used for repetitive manual installs (from a network share or USB drive) or for mass deployment via network login scripts or Group Policy. In a silent installation, all interactive setup screens will be repressed and no user interaction is required. Silent installation is typically initiated from a batch file or shortcut. — STOPMonitor installer included in master disk image. Use the image-mode if you are installing the agent as part of a standard disk image. Use this mode with caution, and only as the last step in creating or updating a standard disk image. Never include the STOPMonitor agent in a disk image, as this will create device-reporting duplication conflicts; use only the STOPMonitor installer in disk images. Detailed instructions on installations modes are provided in the STOPMonitor User Guide provided with deployment.

  • STOPMonitor has been tested with the following Web browsers: — Mozilla Firefox — Internet Explorer 7 or later — Google Chrome — Safari

  • Currently STOPMonitor is compatible with Windows-based systems only: — Windows 2000 with Service Pack 5 — Windows XP with Service Pack 3 — Windows Vista — Windows 7 — Windows Server 2003 — Windows Server 2008


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