STOP is offering this free trial to organizations with a minimum of 10 devices. Please provide the information below so we can set up your account. STOP will never share your information with anyone, or use it for marketing emails.

STOP Security Plate
Our aluminum STOP Security Plate, with its bold, dissuasive warning, full recovery capabilities, and permanently etched tattoo deprives thieves of anything to gain from theft.

STOP Security Plate
Our aluminum STOP Security Plate, with its bold, dissuasive warning, full recovery capabilities, and permanently etched tattoo deprives thieves of anything to gain from theft.

STOP Small Security Plate
Our small aluminum STOP Security Plate, with its bold, dissuasive warning, full recovery capabilities, and permanently etched tattoo continues the work of deterring opportunistic theft of smaller devices.

Sometimes a warning just isn’t enough. STOPLock goes beyond deterrence with a heavy-duty reinforced anchoring system that adds physical restraint to your device to make sure it stays put.

The STOPMonitor software provides real-time asset management and device tracking functionality.

STOPMonitor Pro
STOPMonitor Pro Asset Tracking system adds a second layer of data security by remotely enabling geolocation, reversible encryption and bootlock, all in real-time.

STOPFlex Tag
The bold, dissuasive warning, full recovery capabilities, and permanently etched tattoo of our rugged Security Plate in a more customizable resistant Polycarbonate Tag.