Recovery Stories

3 Apr 2024

STOP-tagged iPad found on street and turned in to Methuen, Mass. PD, who notified STOP on our 24/7 Recovery Hotline. The STOP ID Number on the Security Plate identified the registered owner, the Public Safety division of a Massachusetts-based university. STOP notified the admin, and recovery process is underway.

25 Mar 2024

Fall River, Massachusetts Police called our 24/7 Recovery Hotline to report that a STOP-tagged laptop was found on the sidewalk and turned into them. The STOP ID on the Security Plate indicated this laptop belonged to a medical treatment facility based nearby. STOP notified the admin at the facility, who advised that this device had been stolen from an employee's vehicle in a smash and grab, then likely abandoned by the thief after seeing the STOP Security Plate. Recovery is underway.

15 Mar 2024

Good Samaritan at a staffing firm reported to STOP that one of their contractors returned a STOP-tagged laptop belong to one of their clients after completing is contract assignment. The STOP ID Number provided by the Good Samaritan quickly identified the registered owner, a large corporate enterprise. STOP notified the asset security team there and recovery process is underway.

14 Mar 2024

A STOP-tagged laptop was found at a consulting firm that is registered to their client company. The STOP ID Number on the Security Plate confirmed the registered owner. STOP coordinated the recovery of the laptop with the finder and owner. Case Closed!

29 Feb 2024

End user reported a STOP-tagged laptop was forgotten on an American Airlines flight. Laptop was recovered, case closed.

24 Feb 2024

The Dell laptop was left at a Trader Joe's store in Minneapolis. The store manager called STOP and we are connecting them with the middle school student family to recover it

22 Feb 2024

Good Samaritan called the STOP 24/7 Hotline to report he found a STOP-tagged laptop on the side of the road in Loveland, CO. The STOP ID shows this device registered to a large corporate enterprise. STOP notified their security team; they send a carton with shipping label to the Good Sam, who is returning the device. Case closed.

9 Feb 2024

Good Samaritan contacted the STOP 24/7 Recovery Hotline by email to report that he found a STOP-tagged laptop belonging to a former employer that had gotten misplaced during disruptions caused by Covid. The STOP ID Number he provided pointed back to his former employer. STOP notified the security team there and they have sent the Good Sam an electronic shipping label to return the laptop. Case closed.

9 Feb 2024

Good Samaritan called the STOP 24/7 Recovery Hotline to report she found a STOP-tagged laptop in her rental car. I explained to the caller that we are unable to identify the owner because he/she did not register the device in the STOP database.
In a follow-up call, the Good Sam explained she found the owner and returned the laptop. Case closed.

25 Jan 2024

Employee notified STOP she lost a company-issued laptop while traveling from Ohio to San Francisco on United Airlines. STOP notified the program administrator at her employer, security team recovered the laptop from the airline. Case closed.
