Recovery Stories

29 Jul 2023

A STOP-tagged device registered to a municipal enterprise was recovered by San Diego PD during the arrest of a theft suspect. SDPD provided the STOP ID Number, which enabled STOP to quickly identify and notify the registered owner. Recovery process is underway.

26 Jul 2023

A Good Samaritan called the STOP 24/7 Recovery Hotline to report that she found a STOP-tagged laptop on the street in San Antonio, Texas. The STOP ID Number on the Security Plate helped STOP quickly identify the registered owner, a large public school district. STOP notified the administrator and recovery process is underway.

21 Jul 2023

Employee's STOP-tagged laptop lost on a work trip. Bag containing laptop on a United flight.STOP identified and notified the registered owner. The airlines located the laptop and returned it to the user. Case closed.

11 Jul 2023

A Good Samaritan contacted STOP through our live-chat platform to report that he found a STOP-tagged laptop. He provided the unique STOP ID Number that is printed on the face of the plate, which enabled STOP to quickly identify the registered owner, a large healthcare enterprise. The registered owner has contacted the Good Samaritan and arranged a convenient recovery process. Case closed.

28 Jun 2023

A STOP-tagged laptop registered to a large national corporate enterprise was separated from its shipping carton in transit via the United States Postal Service. Agent from the USPS called our 24/7 Recovery Hotline to notify STOP, and we notified the administrator of the STOP Security Plate program at the enterprise. STOP provided USPS agent contact info and recovery process is underway.

26 Jun 2023

One of our factory partners shipped a STOP-tagged device to the wrong client recipient in error. The recipient notified STOP and provided the STOP ID Number and serial number, which enabled STOP to quickly identify the rightful owner and intended recipient. STOP notified the registered owner and provided the recipient contact details. Registered owner contacted the recipient and recovery process is underway.

26 Jun 2023

A Good Samaritan notified STOP through our offline email service that she found a laptop that was placed in her backpack while she was at Oakland International Airport, California. She provided the STOP ID Number, which enabled STOP to quickly identify the registered owner, a large national enterprise based in San Francisco. STOP notified the program administrator at the enterprise, and recovery process is underway.

23 Jun 2023

A Good Samaritan called the STOP 24/7 Recovery Hotline to report that a stranger attempted to sell him a laptop on the street. Caller explained that he became suspicious that the laptop may have been stolen after seeing the STOP Security Plate affixed to the laptop. He refused to pay the stranger, but convinced the stranger to give him the laptop. The caller provided the STOP ID Number on the STOP Security Plate and STOP quickly identified the registered owner, a large K-12 school system in Detroit, Michiga

14 Jun 2023

A STOP-tagged laptop was found in an abandoned apartment by the Lawrence, Kansas Housing Authority. STOP quickly identified the registered owner, a school system, by the STOP ID Number that was printed on the STOP Security Plate and provided by the caller. STOP notified the school system and the laptop is already on its way back to the owner as I write this report!

14 Jun 2023

A school-owned lapop was recovered by TriMet public transit in Portland OR. STOP identified the registered owner by the STOP ID Number printed on the Security Plate, which was provided by the caller. STOP notified the admin, and the laptop has been recovered.
