Recovery Stories

19 Jul 2000

Found by Georgia State Police. No more details.

12 Jul 2000

A computer repair shop called us regarding this particular unit. They had no info about it. Contacted the customer. Unit had been sent for repair some time ago and had never been sent back to customer.

11 Jul 2000

Found in a grocery store in Washington State.

10 Jul 2000

Found in airplane by flight attendant.

28 Jun 2000

Laptop was left in store by sales representative of National Tobacco Company.

17 Jun 2000

Was left at Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA by guest. Front desk called us . Owner has been contacted and machine picked up within 24 hours.

15 Jun 2000

Briefcase was left along side of the road in Albuquerque

14 Jun 2000

Unit was sent for repair at Gateway Repair Center. Gateway cannot get in touch with the person. Called us; Unit was actually stolen from a student in a Georgia School a few months ago.

13 Jun 2000

Unit was dropped off for repair in a repair store. Store called us because they cannot reach the owner. Owner was immediately contacted by our services.

8 Jun 2000

Unit was shipped via FedEx. Airbill got lost. FedEx Lost & Found called us to identify owner.
