In the News

15 Jan 2013
The mobility and convenience that laptop computers provide has made it imperative for users to take steps to secure their laptops, and the data stored on them. There are several simple things that you can do to keep your laptop safe.
6 Nov 2012

STOP is happy to inform you that we will be exhibiting at the EDUCAUSE Conference in Denver, CO, November 6-9, 2012 at BOOTH 517.
The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is the one higher education IT event you can’t afford to miss. Experienced CIOs and community IT leaders will share expertise and insights into the future.
You’ll discover solutions and ideas to address campus needs. The STOP Team is waiting for you to answer your questions related to security, IT management and theft prevention.

14 Oct 2010
Today I want to talk about physical security and deterring people from even thinking about stealing your computer… The objective is to make your laptop unattractive to the bad guys by making it traceable and effectively reducing its street value down close to zero.
20 Sep 2010

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates vowed to cut spending and make the military more efficient. The simple addition of a STOP Security plate to his and other military laptops speaks volumes.

20 Sep 2009

STOP Security Plate was spotted in a Newsweek article about the Department of Defense.
